International Travel Registry Policy

Policy ID
International Travel Registry
Effective Date
June 7, 2018
Revision Date
May 23, 2018
Policy Owner
Office of International Academic Initiatives
Responsible Office
Office of International Academic Initiatives
Policy Contact
Domenica Dominguez,
Reviewed By
Willard Gingerich, Provost and VP, Academic Affairs
Policy Stakeholders
University faculty, staff, students

1. Policy Statement/Scope/Rationale

The purpose of the registry is for the University to maintain a centralized record of where all university travelers are abroad at any given time in case of emergency, to facilitate communication and emergency contacts and to provide resources and support such as country information and access to travel assistance insurance for medical facilitation and emergency evacuation.

The policy will be applied broadly across the university. The following individuals are required to register their travel and enroll in the University’s overseas Travel Assistance policy:

  • All students traveling abroad for University-related purposes
  • All faculty/staff traveling abroad with Montclair State University students

The following individuals are encouraged to register their travel and enroll in the University’s Travel Assistance insurance policy:

  • All faculty/staff traveling abroad on University-related purposes without students

2. Definitions

International Travel – Any travel outside the US and its territories.

“University-related” purposes are defined as travel:

  • While enrolled as a Montclair State student to meet a course or degree requirement.
  • Directed, coordinated, recommended, facilitated or supervised (such as an independent study, internship or conference participation) by Montclair State employees for any traveler.
  • Financed through Montclair State by funding, scholarship, sponsorship, or financial aid.
  • In connection with a Montclair State sponsored research grant or contract.
  • In the course and scope of Montclair State employment and representation.

3. Policy and Policy Description

Montclair State University provides a secure system for faculty, staff and students to record travel plans and contact information. The registry is a convenient, one-stop service that facilitates emergency communications and access to University approved Travel Assistance insurance.

Student Travel Registry

Faculty/Staff Travel Registry

MBA International Experience


Montclair State University requires all students traveling abroad on “University related” purposes to register their travel through the Student International Travel Registry, which will facilitate completion of the following requirements:

  • Obtain University-approved international travel, medical and security assistance insurance.
  • Download Alert Traveler App (push notifications to alert travelers when an emergency may affect you).
  • Access health, safety and cultural information about your destination.
  • Sign a release and waiver.
  • Provide 24-7 emergency contacts.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty traveling with Montclair State students are required to register their travel.

Montclair State University encourages all faculty and staff traveling abroad for “University related” purposes to register their travel.  The information on travel plans may be used in case of emergency. The registry will also connect you with important resources for your travel safety.

  • Obtain University-approved international Travel Assistance insurance.
  • Download Alert Traveler App (push notifications to alert travelers when an emergency may affect you).
  • Access health, safety and cultural information about your destination.

When to Register Travel:

  • Travel should be registered prior to departure.
  • Travelers should update their registrations as additional information becomes available or changes occur during travel.
  • If your travel plans should change or are canceled for any reason, please update the travel registry.

4. History

  • Policy approved by Provost Gingerich, May 2018.

5. References and Related Requirements

  1. International Travel Registry
  2. Export Control
  3. Finance and Treasury, Travel and Expense Manual, section on International Travel